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GWI - Graduate Women International

Félag háskólakvenna er hluti af alþjóðasamtökum háskólamenntaðra kvenna og rennur hluti af félagsgjaldi til FHK til alþjóðasamtakanna.

Graduate Women International (GWI) var stofnað árið 1919. Tilgangur samtakanna er:

  • Promote lifelong education for women and girls;

  • Promote international cooperation, friendship, peace and respect for human rights for all, irrespective of their age, race, nationality, religion, political opinion, gender and sexual orientation or other status;

  • Advocate for the advancement of the status of women and girls; and

  • Encourage and enable women and girls to apply their knowledge and skills in leadership and decision-making in all forms of public and private life.